Mastering product diversity

Variant management with the VULCAN App Suite

VULCAN supports you in sustainable variant management.

By sustainable variant management, we mean analysing your existing parts master in your ERP or PDM system as a first step. To do this, the VULCAN Variance Analyser app processes the part descriptions in the part master – using AI-supported text analysis – and suggests part groups, variant parts and material characteristics in order to optimise the management of the variance of your products.

Once the variant parts and their characteristics have been defined and characterised, the next step is to train neural networks with completed order data and thus learn from past product configurations.

Once set up in this way, the VULCAN product configurator app can even be controlled via chat, enabling products to be configured automatically from a purely textual enquiry using NLP (Natural Language Processing), the price to be determined and quotations to be submitted immediately (CPQ).

You too can optimise the CPQ process with AI tools from classix

NLP services are available on our server to understand speech directly.

Our JANUS App Suite provides neural networks for VULCAN that you can train with product configurations from the past. This allows you to accelerate the determination of product characteristics safely and efficiently.

With the chat interface from our METIS App Suite, product configurations can be generated purely by voice control.

Variant management turned on its head

Do not first define parts and then determine the variance with complex sets of rules.  No, first determine the variance and then let the parts express themselves automatically.

Variance begins in engineering through parameterisation of parts, drawings and parts lists.

VULCAN imports this CAD data and creates parameterised parts with parameter-controlled parts lists.

New product configurations are only created by defining the parameters. These are exported from VULCAN to the leading ERP system as parts, parts lists and work plan data.

Use VULCAN - where and how you want.

Regardless of the end device or operating system, you can use VULCAN from anywhere. All you need is a common browser and a network connection.

Advantages at a glance

Know How
ClassiX Software GmbH is a member of the VDMA industrial working group on variant management and has made a significant contribution to the VDMA guide “Variant Management”.

Fast exchange of information with upstream and downstream systems through business process integration.

Design and management tool
Comprehensive tools for part master analysis, design and management of product variants and calculation of prices and costs.

Ease of use
VULCAN has an easy-to-use application interface and is also available in the

Low effort for installation and operation.

Data can be easily exchanged with surrounding systems via various interface formats.

Through further development on the basis of the CyberEnterprise business OS.


VULCAN on premise
Buying license


Net price: 5,800.00€

price per concurrent user
one time

only one session (client) is possible per Concurrent User License
All indicated prices are final prices including VAT.
* Net price support and update service: 986.00€

VULCAN on premise
Monthly lease SaaS


Net price: 112.00€

price per concurrent user and month
for annual payment in advance

only one session (client) is possible per Concurrent User License
All indicated prices are final prices including VAT.
Minimum term 3 years

Monthly lease SaaS


Net price: 171.00€

price per concurrent user and month
for annual payment in advance

only one session (client) is possible per Concurrent User License
All indicated prices are final prices including VAT.
Minimum term 3 years